Discount code of 5% on all orders: ENVOY5
Stock Images: Stock images are not used for Pokemon cards. For other Trading Card Games, stock images will be applied. If the card is of substantial value, the listing page will have images of the card you will receive.
How long will it take for my order to arrive?
- Standard postage with/without tracking: Allow up to 10 business days from the day your order was shipped.
- Express postage: Allow for up to 5 business days.
- All items are shipped with Australia Post (https://auspost.com.au/)
When will my order be shipped?
All orders will be shipped within three business days. Buyers will receive a notification to their email address when the order is shipped.
If there are any delays due to the seller being away, an announcement will be placed at the top of the website.
My order has not arrived within the specified timeframe?
Please contact info@envoycards.com.au for further assistance.
Yu-gi-oh! Cards - Euro or US print? The majority of newly listed cards are Euro print, this will be specified where possible. However, we are able to substitute these out at any time for either to fulfill orders.